Be Confident in Selling your Mineral Rights

There are many different reasons why someone may want to sell their mineral rights. Some of those are the following:


Collecting royalties can take years to reach the same amount of cash as the lump sum available to you if you choose to sell your minerals today.

Reduce Risk

We never know what tomorrow holds. The oil and gas prices are constantly changing. Selling your rights today will eliminate the risk of prices dropping or development halting. There is no need to wait years for wells to be drilled on your property.


We give you the opportunity to profit from your oil and gas mineral interest now, so that you may invest into higher returning assets.

Tax Incentives

Royalties and lease bonuses are taxed at your ordinary income tax rate. Mineral royalty sales are only taxed on capital gains. Proceeds are also eligible for 1031 exchanges.


Request Your FREE Consulation

Contact Vector Energy for a FREE consultation and evaluation of your mineral rights or royalty interest ownership.